
Our database contains 569 approved salary profiles from the last 12 months.

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The newest profiles in the salary survey

Gender Position and category Region Company size Age group Basic gross monthly salary
gender_icon Foreman Production Paris large company (250 or more employees) 25-34 2,000 EUR
gender_icon Pharmaceutical Products Manager Pharmaceutical Industry Paris n/a 25-34 5,040 EUR
gender_icon Master in Vocational Education Education, Science & Research Paris n/a 5,100 EUR
gender_icon Controller Economy, Finance, Accountancy Paris medium company (51 - 249 employees) 25-34 4,583 EUR
gender_icon Security Guard Security & Protection Rhône n/a 55+ 1,700 EUR
gender_icon IT Security Specialist Information Technology Isère n/a 25-34 6,731 EUR
gender_icon Software Engineer Information Technology Paris medium company (51 - 249 employees) 25-34 3,833 EUR
gender_icon Senior Sales Representative Commerce Oise n/a 35-44 2,000 EUR
gender_icon Software Engineer Information Technology Alpes-Maritimes n/a 25-34 4,125 EUR
gender_icon Car Mechanic Car Industry Loire small company (up to 50 employees) 35-44 2,200 EUR